302 of our brethern .............................in Leon have been encircled about with the matchless bounty of the Love of our Savior...as quoted from Ammon in Alma 26:15..."yea, and we have been instruments in his hands of doing this great and marvelous work." President Cox called together his zone leaders and assistants today for our first ever business meeting in the mission. It was a time to reflect on the many blessings that have been ours as a mission, what we need to do to be worthy of and continue forward in this great work of the Lord and discuss ideas for the retention of these new members
of the church. He shared with the leaders his conversation with Elder Bednar and the plans for his upcoming visit to our mission. Needless to say, everyone was a buzz with excitement for the work that lays ahead...Elder Bednar wanted to know what made this change possible in our mission. The picture of this group of leaders represents dedication,sacrifice,love,forgiveness,service,humility....all attributes of Christ they have learned from personal experience as they have led their zones forward, helping one another reach their goals. These leaders have learned from the best. Elder Mickelsen came in March and helped them learn to be empowered within their realm of responsibility as leaders of a zone. The Assistants have assisted in "closing the difficult ones", holding the missionaries accountable for their goals because they knew they had to Return and Report to President Cox...., keeping a full tank, and improving the teaching techniques of our missionaries. But the fact of the matter is that it has been a long process. A process that has evolved from 2 years of wonderful Elders and Hermanas that have come and gone and helped to build our confidence and hope for the future. We have great energy as we move forward this next month because we have proven that it is possible to DO MORE. It is possible...if we do our part, as Ammon taught, and exercise faith, repent, produce good works and pray continually (Alma 26:22) With grateful hearts we record this blog today. The group picture represents all the zone leaders minus Elder PerezP. who returned home with honor on May 25th. I am not sure any of this would be possible without our Secretaries. They work a full time job in the office and are still going to end up baptizing 8 new members for the Arbide Ward. They were in and out of the Mission Home all day taking care of the special needs of President and Sister Cox. Elder Maxfield and Elder Verdeja are so very capable of whatever assignment they are given....even if it is only BBQ hamburgers....Elder Robledo is joining in the fun...once a secretary, always a secretary?
What a beautiful post - filled with faith, love, and power. You have an amazing testimony. ALL of us need to do more. That was emphasized in the Relief Society General meeting last September as sister Beck spoke. Her remarks touched my heart and renewed my dedication for sure! Yes, your elders and sisters have learned from the best because the have you!!
Wow, CONGRATULATIONS.....you exceeded your goal and proved anything is possible with the Lord. You have served, supported and inspired your missionaries so greatly to achieve this seemingly impossible goal. And to reap the rewards with a visit from Elder Bednar, how exciting. Your love and leadership with the Leon missionaries continues to amaze!!
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