I received a letter this week from my trainer from the MTC, Jeff Jardine. He and his family have been so very good to keep in touch and encourage and inspire us in our service here in the Leon Mexico Mission. He shared a quote Elder Bednar had used from the Prophet, Brigham Young that I really have enjoyed and captures the essence of our needs in the mission field. Quoting Brigham Young, "Now is the Time for Labor; let the FIRE of the COVENANT which we have made burn within us like a flame unquenchable." We are so very grateful for the 153 missionaries that are serving with all their heart, might, mind and strength 4 x 4 =300. They are not perfect but so very many of them are feeling this FIRE of the COVENANT burn within them as they sacrifice (1/2 Pdays) and work to find, invite, teach and baptize new members into the Church. We were able to add another 79 baptisms to our goal bringing us to a total of 235 with 2 more weeks to go. The missionaries are beginning to believe. It has been so rewarding to watch this process as they have caught the vision and are beginning to push themselves....because they know it is possible. Next week we should be able to accomplish our goal.
Wednesday, May 13th was Elder Wille's 21st birthday. We had celebrated his 20th birthday in the office when he was our financial secretary and now here we are again...Is it possible? He has been with us a whole year, except now as our Asst. At the end of a long day, there is always time and room for cake and ice cream.
1 comment:
21st huh? That means he comes home soon. I bet you guys will miss him, you've had him around a long time!
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