We began the week with zone conferences by traveling to Aguascalientes. Our next stop was to Celaya where we met with the two zones there and Irapuato. Friday we traveled to San Luis Potosi and finished on Saturday with our zones in Leon. It always is a special week to meet with our missionaries. We are 156 strong. We have a lot of young missionaries and young zone and district leaders trying to learn the ropes of leadership. We are grateful for their desire to lead the mission. We received an interesting call during our first conference and we confirmed the information. It is quite likely that Mission Mexico Leon will be visited by Elder Christofferson and Elder Gonzalez with our new Area President, Elder Johnson on August 17th. We are excited about the possibility. It will coinside with our annual Mission President Seminar that is scheduled for August 19-22 in Mexico City. We have no other details...only that a mtg has been scheduled for all of our missionaries from 2-4pm. We feel so very honored to have been selected...or maybe they will visit all 21 missions while they are here. But for now our hearts are thrilled with the possibility of being in the presence of 2 Apostles of the Lord in a 3 month period of time. I am attaching a picture that was forwarded to us this week of our mtg with Elder Bednar in the Poliforum with all the membership. Please ignore my expression. I am not sure what I was thinking.....but President Cox and Elder Bednar were having a great time....
We are excited about a new convert that was baptized this week. Silvia Nunes is 18 years old and attending a universtiy here in Leon. Her older brother Ramon was studying in Belgium and joined the church there. He is 25 and has returned home to Delores Hidalgo where his family lives and introduced his sister to the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been waiting for a mission call and told us today he received it yesterday and will serve in Portugal. He speaks French, Spanish, English and now will learn Portugese. He was able to baptize and confirm his sister. We know he will be a great leader of the church here in Mexico when he returns home. The special part of this whole experience is that Silvia's parents, her other brother Manuel, her boyfriend and another friend were all in attendance at the baptism. Silvia's mother is reading the Book of Mormon and she was in attendance today at her confirmation. My heart is full of the great potential for good this family can be in Delores Hidalgo. We have attended a sacrament mtg there. It is a very small, humble congregation that meet in a very small House of Prayer. We have two new missionaries serving there so we are hoping and praying that this will be the beginning of miracles coming forth in this area. We know our Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers and it is usually out of the "small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bring about the salvation of many souls". It seems I never have my camera when I need it..but Silvia is a beautiful young woman full of desire to live the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It has been another rewarding week in Leon Mexico.
I need to record another personal thought. Saturday was Michael's Deathdate. As usual it was a day of celebration. We were in Zone Conferences with our Elders here in Leon and Bob and I were both able to share the gratitude we feel in our hearts for the knowledge we have of the Plan of Salvation and the special privilege that is ours at this time to help missionaries teach this message that can change lives forever. Bob shared some of the details of that day and the feelings we had then and have had through the years because of our personal testimony of this Plan of Happiness that has been made possible because of our Savior's sacrifice on our behalf. We hope that as we share bits and pieces of our lives with our dear Elders that they too will be fortified for the challenges that will face them...and take comfort in the gospel...but most importantly that they will teach with the power and authority that they have been called forth to do. We love them all.
I too have been thinking about Micheal this week. I have such great memories of him. He is such a special spirit. Your testimony and faith in the plan of salvation is a witness and consolation to all of us. You are wonderful poeple- thank you for such strong convictions and beautiful examples.
We enjoyed your messages today. We are excited for all the good things happening in the Leon mission. I'm sure you love your zone conferences and that teaching and sharing time with your missionaries. Can't say that the couples here get quite so excited as the Elders. You will love Elder Christofferson's kind, relaxed and loving manner. We must have been one of his first big journeys. Sounds like your month is going well--cheerio to you both.
Becky - that expression is typical of you when you are listening intently to someone. I love it! You are a beautiful woman! Thank you for sharing your sweet sentiments aboutour dear Michael. I think of him every now and then. He was a very valiant spirit, and it is so great to know that you are an eternal family - that he is still yours. Hope your meeting is a big success! Can't wait to hear about it.
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