Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thank goodness for Marlene/Office Elders and Assistants

Sunday night the office secretaries are good to help me with clean up. But Monday, Marlene is there to do whatever she can to lighten my load. We have a lot to do in a short period of time so I am always appreciative of whatever........especially in regards to washing dishes and cleaning up after my messes. We get up at 4am Monday morning after a late Sunday night and take the missionaries to the airport. The Assistants are responsible for getting everybody up on time, dressed and ready to leave promptly at 4:30am. We get them all checked in and say our final farewells and head back to the house for a couple hours of shut eye. We have to be at the Bus Central at ll:30am to pick up our new Elders from the CCM and so at some time that morning I prepare the Lasagna, green salad, corn and brownies, set the table so that we can eat our comida soon after interviews with President are completed. This change we received Hermana Sarao and Elders Martinez, Aguirre, Hernandez, Soto and Guzman. They are excited to join our forces. This part of the change day runs surprisingly smoothly...because we have no outside contributors. I love this picture of Elder Verdeja and President Cox. Our biggest challenge is dealing with immigration for our American missionaries....We've tried so many different approaches but still struggle. Elder Verdeja is patient and works through each difficulty with exactness. We appreciate his service.


Cox Family said...

How fun. Those missionaries are so blessed to have u

Allan and Diane said...

I don't know how you do it? I would be a stress basket, but you seem to sail right through. Bless you mission mom!

britt said...

that makes me tired just reading about your hectic schedule during transfer time! You are a wonderful mission mom and I know bob is the best mission president!! only wish you would ahve been mine :)