I suppose part of the blessing of serving as Mission President and wife is the joy we feel in separation from loved ones. (Does that make sense?Can there be joy in separation?We are beginning to believe there is.) So,this weekend President Cox and I are doubly blessed. On July 4th we bade our farewells to 14 wonderful Elders who have served in the Mexico Leon Mission with us for the past 2 years. Top to bottom; EldersKlein,Wille,Thomas,Moss,Williams,Neibaur,Cobarruvias,Gonzalez,Gale,Hines,Crea,
PerezT,Leon,Urbina. We love them and have appreciated their desire to find, teach and baptize those who have been prepared to receive this glad message of the restored gospel. We will continue to pray for their welfare and happiness...they leave as a part of our mission family. Our hearts are joyful...as we say our goodbyes....but the heartstrings have been pulled tight so tears do not fall.
Our next 4th of July will be with our family,friends and traditions at the beach in Cayucos. Our family and friends were together today enjoying celebrations of our nation's independence. LaRayne & Dahl were hosting the festivities and they will never know how much we appreciate their love...Hollmans gathered as well and the BBQ was enjoyed by all. Tengo gozo en mi alma hoy!
hey Bob and Becky! Mexico is so lucky to have you guys!!
We also went over to Cayucos to watch the fireworks, we thought about you guys and keep you in our prayers often.
I came across this website and just wanted to say to Prex. Cox if you could express my sincere thanks to the wonderful example he was while I lived in Porterville. I loved stopping by the ranch and saying hi. Great blog and it is wonderful to see all the great experiences you are able to have in Mexico.
Ezery Beauchamp
isn't it CRAZY to think you will be joining those festivities with your family next year?! you have such a GREAT attitude and i know your family is being richly blessed by YOUR sacrifices and service! everyone looks so great! we miss all of you!
What are you going to do without Elder Wille?? ;) It will sure be fun to have you guys there next year!
Well you must have had some very mixed emotions on the 4th. Sending home that large group of Elders must have been hard. What great pictutes of everyone at the beach house. That was great that they all came and Dahl and LaRayne pulled it all together. I am sure they missed you as much as you missed them.
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