Monday, November 2, 2009

What happened to Thanksgiving?

We put up our Christmas wreath just to poise for this picture.(We took it down...but I can hardly wait to put it back...for real). We are in the process of preparing our Christmas Card for 2009 and took a couple of pictures for this purpose. The Elders are so good...I think they really like pictures as well...It is just President Cox. Everyone knows how much he loves taking pictures.(NOT!!!)But really, I think he looks so handsome...with a special celestial glow about him. The group picture is with Elder Verdeja and Elder Sherman our Secretaries and Elder Schow and Elder Hatton our Assistants. We are all anxious to get this Christmas holiday rolling. Navidad Blanca is just around the corner.


brenna said...

How fun! The pictures look like they turned out well

Cox Family said...

I know but it's sooo sad how thanksgiving is almost forgotten. I was so sad when I went into target. They had a ton of Halloween stuff and even more christmas stuff and it was only October. But Christmas is a very special season. U guys all look great. I hope ur cards come out just as good if not better then last years. We love u

Allan and Diane said...

Whoa--when I opened your blog, I thought I had missed one month!! (and that's not good at our stage) You both look radiant and no worse for the wear!! I don;t want to think how close Christmas is - for obvious reasons! Good to see you back .

Unknown said...

SO fun- I was thinking just yesterday that I need to get a picture of the kids so I can get my Christmas cards rolling too. The days are flying by. You will be home before we know it!